
Save for future or Enjoy this moment

An ant🐜 moves slowly and believes in always remaining busy🕜 doing things little by little Where as a frog 🐸makes merry when there is a good weather and works only when there is a call of time( urgent need)🚀 So who is better,Who is right  the frog or the Ant ? OR Both are right on their perspective 🪂because both have different natures☃️ One likes to remain busy🗽,always on the go saving self for the future🚦 And the one is who likes to live in this moment♨️,enjoy this moment,feel happiness and joy of living Now and works hard when there is need

Everyone is unique

 How can I feel good about myself of who I am and not compare with others? A fish🐟 is made to swim ,A bird 🦅is made to fly Both are beautiful🍁,both are comfortable being themselves then can we compare the two to say this one is better🍃 and this one needs to change🕸 They are made in such a way to do their own respective activities 🐚 One has fins🦈 and glands that it can swim and breath through waters 🌊 One has wings that it can glide through air,take flight and reach heights ☁️ Both have their areas 🏔and fronts 🌐and their areas of expertise,will it be fare just to compare🧭 the two of their capabilities🧠 and strengths💪

Protect natural hubs of creatures

A lion🦁 is made to roar,to be king of the jungle and hunt for his prey You destroy jungles🌳,it's natural inhabitat and start feeding him plants & leaves🌿 Will it not then enter into cities and eat human beings 🏡 Therefore protect natural hubs and nature of all creatures🐶🐒🐀🐈🐏🐘🐓🕊🦚🦜🐸🐢🦎🦩🐦🐥🐋🐞🐙🐜🪱🦢🦋🐌🦄🐎🦌🦟🪰🪳 and let them be where they are

Creator of versatility

Protector🌟 of all species🐏🐅🐟🦅🐒🦁🪱🐞🦋 The one who feeds all☄ The one who protects the identity ⚡of all One who makes arrangements🌦 for all One who is creator🌤 One who loves his creation ☀️unconditionally is the one who makes this world beautiful 🏖with his variety creation 🏕and their variety thinking patterns and responses to variety situations!🧱

Free yourself from Uncontrolled passions

Seed of body conciousness is I and mine  I did  I know  Free yourself from this uncontrolled passion of I and mine and you will be liberated from the effects and the result of the good or bad karmas and your karmas will become neutral(अकर्म)

Super sensous joy

Attachments and desires is the root cause of all sorrows। Attachments and desires have their root in body conciousness।  Being soul conciousness and experiencing the eternal bliss free from temporary sensory (इंद्रिय सुख)pleasures is the way to liberation and liberation in life।

Story of becoming a deity from ordinary human being

  Just as everything moves in cycle; universe,soil,water,seasons,days & replenish and recycle itself at its own time,the same way there is cycle of happiness and sorrow। Victory and defeat in terms of soul's stages of ascend and descend।Know the cycle of History of human being's s evolution through various births,its story of becoming a deity from ordinary human being and you will be liberated from attachment & sorrow connected with cycle of births and rebirths।